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Disparando um M16 / M4 / AR-15 em rajada. www.piratices.com...
How_An_AR-15_Rifel Work In Slow MotionAn AR-15 style rifle is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle based on the ArmaLite AR-15 design. ArmaLite sold the patent an...
We review the Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport AR-15 M4. Complete with OUTTAKES....
Best AR-15 Backup Iron Sights? A.R.M.S. Inc. 40L SP Rear/ 40LF Front\r\r\r\r\rBack up Iron Sights are essential on your AR-15 rifle. ARMS Inc #40L are deployed ...
Colt M16 / M4 Carbine Shooting L Auto Rock and Roll. God Bless America! Bud's Gun Shop: Blasting with this fine little WWII ... Colt M16 A1 L Auto Brust. Playin...